
R18 otome cd
R18 otome cd

r18 otome cd

  • Akane on desktop and mobile.Cinderella Phenomenon is a free otome game that was inspired by various popular fairy tales.
  • Listen to Otome CD but your ears are gonna get ticklish, a playlist curated by 茜 They are designed after Japanese Boyfriend CDs where you listen and immerse yourself into an . used kitchen cabinets for sale by owner Seduce Me the Otome Audiodrama CD, "After Ever After"!. SoundCloud wishes peace and safety for our community in Ukraine Sign in Listen in app. GOOD BYe.Listen to bl cd / otome cd (R18), a playlist curated by mochipai on desktop and mobile. Now I'm gonna hide myself under the ground. The serie got a lot of funny moments that don't make you feel that focused on the nsfw side of the serie WHICH MADE ME REALLY HAPPY, IT WASN'T BORING XDDDDDDDD I'd say it was actually a short funny story xD IT WAS LOVELY EVEN IF IT WAS +18 XDDDDDDDD. AND HOW HAPPY HE IS WHEN HE SEES YOU AGAIN seriously I've never hear his voice being like that HIS ACTING SKILLS ARE TOO MUCH FOR ME (i won't comment even the nsfw parts because as always) but THE SWEETEST THING IS AT THE END. CAN YOU HEAR HIS FEELINGS? HOW MUCH HE DOESNT WANT TO BE SEPARATE FROM YOU? HOW MUCH HE WANTS TO SPEND TIME WITH YOU EVERYDAY. I was really curious about the final effect and the phone calls! XDDDDDDDDD STILL what I found the best in the serie was the moment when he was at work and at the end when he got to see 'you' again after a while. Maybe "long distance relationship" really easy to fill the CD with tracks nsfw but shhh.

    r18 otome cd

    I was looking for the serie after reading synopsis here: BUT THERE IS THE expectation - I seriously like his voice TOO MUCH I can simply listen everything just to hear his voice (dude, and barely was able to watch a few eps of Haikyuu with his character. I really enjoy much more series with a good plot than the nsfw filled with nonsense. Thanks to the bad side of the internet and my hobby, one day and heard Masatomo Nakazawa voice and fell in love.

    r18 otome cd

    The post is for 18yo + users, sorry ~ T_T

    R18 otome cd