Step 4: Choose Search automatically for drivers. This will allow you to update your driver. Step 3: Right-click the dedicated graphics card you are using to play the game and then select Update driver. The list of display adapters will be expanded. Step 1: Simply type Device Manager in the search bar on your desktop and then click the Device Manager icon that appears in the results. Install the latest GPU drivers to optimize game performance and resolve other issue. The Overwatch 2 is a newly released game and it is important to update your dedicated GPU driver because it will resolve any Overwatch 2 performance issues. The next thing to do is to check whether your graphics card has the latest version of drivers installed.

The recommended and minimum requirements are shown below by the developer. Make sure your computer meets with the system requirements before playing Overwatch 2. Here’s how to fix stuttering and fps drops in Overwatch 2. This can be a frustrating experience because you won’t be able to play properly and your team might lose. One of the challenges PC gamers experience when playing Overwatch 2 is when they notice the FPS drop or the constant stutters if they are in the middle of the match or just starting the game.